Course Syllabus

Study Skills Syllabus 2020-2021

Mrs. Reiske     (907) 235-4690

Classroom Rules

         Be polite, productive, and prepared.

Study skills provides a great opportunity for getting help and allowing extra time to do work. Please use your time wisely! Many assignments and resources will be digital this year. Electronics such as laptops, desktops, and phones are to be used wisely. Make sure to show up with all of the necessary materials needed to complete your work. Trips to the bathroom, and to lockers will be very limited during class time due to sanitizing protocols.

Daily Schedule

Class will begin with 2 minutes of mindfulness, followed by a number check-in. After that on Wed./Thurs. and Fri. we will have a lesson, usually no longer than 20-25 minutes. Following the lesson students will have work time that is split into stations, to allow time to focus on more than one subject. The last 7-10 minutes will be used for exit tickets, cleaning, and sanitizing.

Academic (What is your grade based on)

Students will be graded on three categories each week:

  1.     Exit Tickets (12 points per week, 4 points per ticket)
  2.     Weekly Assessments (20 points per week)
  3.     Class Grade Average (percentage out of 100)

Weekly Assessment

Your weekly assessment will be in a digital format within Google Docs. There are two format options offered on Canvas, and you may choose whichever format you like. These will be updated daily, throughout the day, by students. You will receive a grade (20 points) each week for your completed Weekly Assessment.

Exit Tickets

Every day before leaving the class (or before the end of the day for remote students) you will need to submit an Exit Ticket. There is a link to the exit ticket on the Canvas home page for this course. The exit ticket details what you completed during class, and if there any questions or items left to complete. These will be worth a total of 12 points each week (4 points per exit ticket).

Cell Phones

Cell phones should remain put away at all times, unless you receive permission to have them out. You may listen to music with headphones during independent work time, but your phone should be put away or face down. If you are failing a class, you may be limited to using only a laptop or desktop computer for your work. The teacher may ask you to put it away at any time. If you refuse to put your phone away, the teacher may ask you to put your phone on the bookshelf; refusal again will result in a trip to the office. Let’s not let that happen though! Ultimately – use your cell phone wisely, and don’t let it become a distraction. 


Remote students are able to attend class via Zoom. The link to the meeting is on the Canvas home page on the computer screen that says “Join Class Live! Zoom” The password is on the sticky note next to the computer. I recommend zooming in for lessons on Wed/Thurs., and Friday. (The last two periods of the week for each class) Lessons will always happen right after our beginning of class routine. All class recordings will be posted to Canvas, for students to rewatch. If students do not attend remotely during class, I highly recommend watching the Zoom lesson later so they get all of the content. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due