Chapter 7 test - Redo

  • Due Apr 3, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Points 15
  • Questions 15
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 3


This is an optional redo for the Chapter 7 test. If you are happy with your score you do not need to do this.

For each question you missed on the test that you would like to redo, give a detailed explanation of why the answer you gave was incorrect, what the correct answer is, and why it is correct.


A question asked me to select all binomials that are a difference of two squares and I selected A: LaTeX: 9x^2\:-\:36 and B: LaTeX: x^2\:+16 , but not C: LaTeX: 4x^4\:-\:25x^2.

My explanation for the redo would look something like this.

I was correct that A was a difference of two squares. Both terms in B are squares, but I didn't see that it was addition rather than subtraction and a difference of two squares must have one negative term. I thought the terms in C wouldn't be squares because there is a exponent other than 2 on the first term, but it is a perfect square and the root would be LaTeX: 2x^2.


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