Course Syllabus

Syllabus – Due Fri. Aug. 25th

Class: Algebra

School Year: 2017-18

Instructor: Mr. Seaton


  Welcome to 8th grade advanced math! This class will focus on the concepts and skills of algebra mathematics, but will also include logic, reasoning, and critical thinking.


Flipped Class

  This year the majority of direct instruction will be delivered digitally through videos located on Canvas. This shift has a number of benefits to students and parents: homework should take no more than 15 minutes per night, doing the practice in class enables students to ask Mr. Seaton directly when they have questions, students will be able to re-watch the instruction as needed, and students who need extra help understanding the concept can meet with Mr. Seaton as a group for additional help. Students who struggle with internet access at home can make use of the computers in Mr. Seaton’s room before school or during enrichment time, and after school in the library.



  Canvas will be the main delivery method for all homework videos and practice questions, the best source to find information on upcoming assignments, and the most up to date source for grading information. It is vital that parents utilize Canvas to stay aware of their child’s progress throughout the year.

  Getting the KPBSD and Canvas app on your smart phone is an excellent way of keeping current with your student’s progress as alerts can be set for when your student has an upcoming assignment, is missing work, or has turned an assignment in late.


  PowerSchool is the default source for final grades and will also have information on assignments. Grades in PowerSchool will be updated at least once a week, but will not be updated as often as Canvas.


  • Students watch the instructional videos associated with each lesson before class begins
  • Students are in their seat working when the bell rings
  • Students bring all materials to class: paper, pencil, textbook, calculator, etc.
  • Students raise their hand when answering a question
  • Students use all of their class time working productively
  • Student work is neat and legible with all steps shown
  • Students show respect to classroom materials, aides, Mr. Seaton, and each other



  Assignments in Math will fall into four categories:

  • Daily work – includes practice questions, lessons, and other in class assignments
  • Quizzes – short assessments targeted at specific skills and making sure all students are keeping up with their lessons – these may or may not be scheduled ahead of time
  • Tests – larger assessments that cover multiple lessons or chapters
  • Projects – hands-on assignments that will be completed in class and will span a longer period of time


Grading Policy

  A standard grading curve will be used. Grades will be updated at least once a week.

A: 100%-90%

B: 89%-80%

C: 79%-70%

F: 69% and lower



Grade weighting:

  1.    Daily Work:        30%
  2.    Quizzes:           30%
  3.    Tests:                      30%
  4.    Projects: 10%



Contact Information

  The best way to contact me if you have any questions or concerns is by email. I will do my best to get back to you the same or next day. If you would rather call, I will be available before school from 8 to 9, and afterschool until 4:15. If you would like to meet in person, please email or call to set up a time to meet.


Phone: (907) 235-5718


Course Summary:

Date Details Due