10 Language Arts [S1] Section 201 - Adams (2017 2016-2017)

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Welcome to Language Arts 10, Semester 1! This course provides an adventure into the human experience through the literature of the world. My name is Ms. Adams Links to an external site., and I will be your instructor for this course. We will work together throughout the course to continue your journey as a growing reader and writer. 

Announcement List - Click here for the latest news!

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Course Resources! Links to an external site.

Instructor Contact info: Office 224-9074, Text ā€‹631-494-2462

Email: aadams@kpbsd.org  Website: www.teachingjedi.com Links to an external site. 

Accessibility - KPBSD is committed to providing equal access to students with documented needs. If you have a disability and request accommodation, please contact your Course Instructor or your IEP Case Worker.